Emergency Broadcast Syndrome

Friday, September 01, 2006

We Had It Coming

And so ends the second week of fifth year, man, my boredom is only starting to go away. I am finally getting to do some decent work and am enjoying school more-so because of that, pretty weird. What a way to end though, after constant sunshine and smiles... Rain. Lots of it too, it was sporadic as Hell though, one minute it was off and the sun came out, so everyone went outside again, then the rain kicked in just as quickly as it had turned off and caught everyone by suprise, pretty fun to watch from the inside.

Quite a lot of people were off sick today, or skiving, either which I envy them, dunno why but I had predicted this would be a bad day, turned out to be alright. Just something about the rain today made me think that it wouldn't be the best of times, but it was alright. No need for superstitious formalities. Thursday was a good day, a little boring at school but at least Computing was interesting, I finally got to do some practical work! A small program that calculates the circumference of a circle, after the user tells it what the radius is. Pretty nifty, although damn basic at the moment.

At fifth period on Thursday my entire year got taken out to the pitches for a year photo, it was eventful and full of laughs, turns out I am pretty damn tall in my year (Although, for many, others were saddened when they realised just how small they are) and I got to be on the second top row, although I probably should have been at the top if I hadn't been lazy and hung back at the queue to talk to people. I can't really be bothered talking about Thursday in paticular, since it wasn't all rays of sunshine and happiness, but on the bright side I went out for a while last night and had a good walk to clear my mind. A little cold, but good enough for walking.

There has definitely got to be some cleansing properties in a lonesome walk, you think so much clearer and your troubles appear to be non-existant for a while, heh. I paticularly like it when it's cold, and snowy. Although I really do hate being out in the snow, I like to walk along it, it's comforting. Not that I can say that about a lot of things nowadays... Bah, such is life.

Well, today was pretty uneventful, although I had a great conversation with Pollo and Scott at lunch today about a possible job prospect for myself, apparently Scott and Ryan used to work at Virgin Megastores in Glasgow, and had a great time. They left for their exams but are looking to go back, or at least Scott is, and I am tempted to try and get a job as well, from how they described it, it seems to be an amazing opportunity. Discounts on everything, decent pay, decent hours and a lot of fun with labels as they have told me. I wouldn't mind working there, the people seem pretty nice, well, excluding the coffee area workers, they are definitely in some sort of Evil League.

Well, I have something to look forward to now, the weekend. Two days of relaxation and anything else I decide to do, dunno what but I am tempted to do something. I will probably go out for another walk sometime tommorrow, I think I could work a walk into my routine now and again, I need the exercise. I am not too skinny, or underweight, nor am I fat and overweight, but I am definitely in the need of a decent amount of exercise, my legs have been pretty achey recently and I don't know the cause, probably the fact that I don't move around much. I really should try and work out, do a few sit ups, press ups and what not, but I can never be bothered to start... That's my main problem at the moment, motivation. I am seriously lacking in this department at the moment, I need to try and push myself more to get things done. I mean, I am doing my homework, and I am working hard at school, but out of school I am damn lazy and don't do much, except my chores, mostly because I need the money...

I am going to do some serious thinking over the weekend and see if I can get something figured out, and maybe start some exercising. Hopefully my next blog will be more interesting, someone do something funny or moronic. Either which would be greatly appreciated, especially if you can do them both together. Ah well, adios.


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